Thursday, August 28, 2008



Saturday, August 2, 2008

The Different levels of pornography

When one looks at the way in which certain avenues of popular interest are approached and packaged in their delivery to your eyes and ears, one gets a nagging sense of being the victim of highly biased society when sexual pornography seems to become the equivalent of it's more general classification of pornographic material. Afterall, what is of the essence here is the exploitative marketing of a very intangible, sought after and mouth watering commodity: inaccessibility. We're a nation of people spewed forth by the domineering, imperialistic penis of manifest destiny, penetrating itself into the fertile soils of possibility to define existence by that which can be felt, seen, touched, owned, experienced, drank, ate, fucked; all of these actions being underlined with a certain necessity of aggression and entitlement. We're all explorers and entrepreneurs and property barons in our own right, and we're all hungry for that which we haven't already consumed. Be it the most perfect example of rarified flawless flesh, the most pristinely cultivated high-priced marijuana or the untouchable secrecy of the celebrities who matter so much because of the exclusivity of the VIP club that is their own lives, the most marketable commodity we have to offer is that which dances the fine line between immediate inaccessibility and the familiarity of a coveted lingering taste.
( i think ive basically plagiarized baudrillard with this one)